Friday, July 23, 2010


why do i feeel soo sick? it JUST started. anyway here's what happened today:
got up at 7:30am , took 3 midols. visited gramma. on way home around 3pm had an apple(60), then took some more midol. when i got home around 4:30pm i had a breakfast bar (110) and some sprinkles (40) total so far 310. then i went to the gym and burned about 350. -350-310= -40 calories. had some fish and collard greens for dinner with 3 slices of bacon. fish= about 120. 3 slices of bacon= 60. greens= 42 total: 222. 222-40= 182. then i had some sprinkles and a little bit of cool whip topping with some more sprinkles. (ifuckinglovesprinkles)that adds up to probably 90 calories. new total 272. and i burn 1300 calories a day just from living so, final total= -1028. HAHA YESSSSSS

so that body wrap shit.. well idk went wrong. we had this recipe for do it at home. i did it. and only lost 2 cm here and there. i guess thats better than nothing. i remember in 8th grade i did it, and i lost INCHES. i guess we'll keep searching for a new/working recipe.

oh today, my mom and i almost brought home a kitten. i named her tibereus (i know a guys name). but we just couldnt afford to have another cat right now. the kitten loved me though. licked my chin and cheek and nose. then she climbed on my head and fell asleep in my arms. i love you tibereus.. <333 :(

copy and paste url in address bar to see her

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