day one of my 4 day liquid fast is proving to take a tole already. i had 1 sobe and some chicken flavored broth and a bottle of water. i don't have a doubt that i can to this, i feel really tired though.
i went to the gym this morning, and i guess not eating after that made me tired. i'm going to the gym tomorrow morning too. sunday work outs are always the most strenuous because my dad and i do like 6 - 9 sets of squats to start off, then leg presses, then step ups, then lunges, then leg curls and extensions, each has three sets. then we do our ab work out. im worried about all that activity and no food for me, i don't wanna get dizzy at the gym/ faint.
my friend that used to do all this dieting with me in middle school texted me today. she usually does to check up on dieting/ confess her failures and self pity/ compare it to mine. it was some good inspiration. i'll probably text her tomorrow exclaiming "i fasted for a whole day!" but i'll be thinking "you can't control yourself enough to do this. stick to your binge and starving act." ---- she weighs about the same as me, but i look alot thinner than her; and she has never weighed as little as i have.
i'm extremely bored. i'm gonna catch up on everyones blog then probably play some video games to keep my mind from lusting food. byebye
Wow, you're so persistant! It's inspirational. <3