Wednesday, August 4, 2010

aug 4, 2012, 12:10pm

i gout about 11 hours of sleep last night, and i feel good today. not really energetic, but good.

yesterday, during the first part of my day i did really good. then i kinda had some chips, but it was okay because i was going to the gym. i burned a solid 300 on cardio and probably 50 with weights.

today i am not going to the gym so i have to be particular with what i eat.

not much going on today. my boyfriend is hopefully coming over, we're gonna go swimming and just have a good time.

an update on my weight: last week sent me back to 132, now i'm about 129/130. i feel really dumb posting that because this blog is supposed to be me losing weight. not losing and gaining 5lbs back and forth back and forth and then plateauing at 127. ugh


  1. hey girl,

    sorry ive been mia for a bit not commenting. im back, though:)

    im glad that you seem to be doing well, dispite the gain. You know, i heard a person fluctuates on average 2-5lbs per day. so no worries im sure you look rockin anyways. Having a good time with the boyfriend sounds so great!!

    stay strong and beautiful lovely!


  2. babes :) i'm half way through my 2468 how did you do with yours? I know how you feel i'm always gaining loosing 5lbs.. two steps forward one back! it sucks.. we will get past it! positivee and strong :) xx

  3. my 2468 goes good then bad. i might ditch it for something else..
