Tuesday, September 7, 2010

lets try it again

so this whole summer i spent all my extra energy trying to motivate myself to the point where i could take dieting seriously again. and it worked and i was able to fast, not binge, and break my plateau. but since i got back from atlantic city, idk what happened. i lived a little, i had a taste of freedom, and i went ape shit and i gained the weight i lost when i got back home. haha i guess i didn't have the self control i thought i did.

plan of attack for today:
breakfast- tea and coffee and a slice of toast and an antibiotic. 54 calories
lunch- tea
after schoolio snack- 2 egg whites. 30 calories
dinner- soup or veggies.

time for school, adios


  1. Aw, good luck. You can have the control if you really want it, gorgeous! <3

  2. i also feel this way :( i'll just have to try harder in the future.

    but i know you can lose it all again :)

  3. Good plan! I know you can stick to it!

  4. thanks for all the encouragement :}
